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Global Parliament of Technocrats “India 2014 & Beyond” 1st March, 2014 BJP HQ, New Delhi

Global Parliament of Technocrats attracted almost 2000 technocrats, an unprecedented number to converge at BJP HQ for “India 2014 & Beyond” organised by Technocrat Cell of BJP. Being definite of a huge turnout of technocrats to attend the event, it was planned to be organised at central lawns of BJP head quarters, but due to rains , the venue had to be shifted to the auditorium. The whole venue was overflowing with professionals trying to get into the already jam-packed auditorium. One of the unique features of the event was an impressive participation of female technocrats, which is rarely seen in political events. In a short span of just about a month, Technocrat Cell got immense support from huge and wide spectrum of professionals who took pains to attend this event from Delhi and NCR region. It seems that the need of creation of such a cell under right kind of mentorship was overdue for a long period. Global parliament of technocrats put forth the fundamentals for economic growth in a crystal clear and comprehensive manner without using tardy and economics jargon. It emphasized that for any economy, Main Basic Growth comes from “Production” activities only. Whether it is “Agricultural Production” or “Industrial Production”. Service Sector growth depends on growth of production activities only. So “Growth in Production” is must.
Growth in production needs a favorable environment which can exist only if political will to provide that environment exists at the top. Technocrats deeply appreciated Sh. Modi’s model of sustainable and inclusive growth and conferred on him the title “Udyog Purush “.The hall reverberated with thundering applause at this moment. Sh. Rajnath Singh had instituted this cell just a month back. While addressing the technocrats from industry,IITs,MNCs,engineering institutes Sh. Manohar Parrikar ,alumnus IIT and CM Goa praised the efforts of convener Subodh Sharma and his team for their incredible performance in building up the Technocrat Cell. His words of wisdom for the young generation were highly motivating and were deeply appreciated by the audience. Global Parliament of Technocrats made elaborate arrangements for the participation of technocrats in foreign countries through Video Conferencing. It proved to be an effective way to have the relevant inputs from our brothers and sisters in the foreign countries. Sh. Trivender Rawat, Secretary BJP and Sh. Dinesh Goel (Chairman RKGIT) shared the dais and expressed their views. Sh Mahaveer Singh ( MLA- Dhanaulti) also graced the occassion.Sh Subodh Sharma and the lead organisers and members of National Executive of Technocrat cell viz. Sh Shalabh Kumar Mittal Sh. Parvesh Sharma, and Sh. Pankaj Aggarwal extensively interacted with the technocrats after the function .
Subodh Kumar Sharma
National Convener
Technocrat Cell


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