राष्ट्रपति ने लांच किया बिहार की कृषी रोड मैप President Pranab Mukherjee on Wednesday launched the much awaited Agriculture Roadmap of Bihar. Under this ambitious scheme, the state government has aimed for raising agriculture growth to a minimum of 7 percent per annum. Mukherjee, in address while launching the roadmap, said, "While presenting the union budget of 2010-11 as a Finance Minister, I stated that the second green revolution will come from eastern India. For this, the government had then allocated Rs. 400 crores, which was doubled last year. This year, the Government of India has allotted Rs. 1,000 crores for the improvement of farm sector in eastern regions of the country." President lauded Bihar CM Nitish Kumar for his efforts to bring about a rainbow revolution in the state. He said, "Bihar is growing very fast. During the last plan period, the state had a growth rate of 11 percent. For the next five year, the state government has ai...