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साभार दी टेलीग्राफ

Mobile laboratory drives in, science turns fun practically

- Around 1600 students of Jayanand High School to benefit from programme under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan

Students of Jayanand High School, Bahera,दरभंगा . today had a practical experience of natural science at the auditorium of the institution.
A mobile laboratory, well equipped with modern instruments required to conduct all experiments for the Plus Two level, visited the school under Benipur block in the district.
Sonam Kumari, a Class VIII student of the school, told The Telegraph: “The instructors made us aware of a number of facts through experiments. They demonstrated that air occupies space. They also showed, with the help of a balloon, that it exerts pressure. The experiments were novel but easy to understand. The principle behind it was visualisation through instruments.”
The two instructors, Kishore Kumar Mathur and Kamal Kumar, conducted the experiments for students and instructed them on the basic principles of science.
Both Kishore and Kamal have been trained for two months at Agastya International Foundation at Kappam in Andhra Pradesh. Viksit Bharat Foundation, a non-government organisation started by former President APJ Abul Kalam and his friend Manas Bihari Verma, overviewed their training.
Kishore said: “We got training for two weeks at the Agastya International Foundation at Kappam in Andhra Pradesh. Since July 5, we have conducted demonstration in 15 schools in Bihar. We have received good response form the schoolchildren. We will extend the programme to the other districts of the state, after we finish visiting the schools in Darbhanga.”
The mobile laboratory has been constructed through the joint efforts of both the organisations. They will visit government and private schools all over Bihar and impart knowledge about science to schoolchildren.
Verma told The Telegraph: “A team of Agastya International Foundation had visited Darbhanga last year and demonstrated experiments in 14 high schools and 28 primary schools in three months. After that we sent two teachers for training to Kappam. They have finished their training and are conducting practical demonstration of experiments in Darbhanga. They will go to every school in the state and impart training to the students.”
Around 1,600 pupils of Jayanand High School would benefit from the four-day-long programme under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
The principal in-charge of the school, Bimal Kant Jha, said: “We have around 1,600 students. We have divided them in four groups so that the experiments could be demonstrated easily. One group has only girl students. They got training today. Three other groups, comprising boys, would be provided training on the subsequent days.”
Agastya International Foundation is a Bangalore-based education trust that seeks to transform and stimulate the thinking of rural children and teachers. Agastya does this by bringing hands-on science education to rural government schools in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.


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