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Will adwani agree for loksabha speaker NaMo
BOT : Patna
The biggest ever victory for the BJP, assuming that the final tally would broadly be in sync with the exit poll predictions, has brought a tough question to the fore – what role founding father of the party, LK Advani will have in the new government. Unlike Advani, there are indications that another BJP veteran Murli Manohar Joshi would be inclined to join the government in whatever capacity. However, there are some questions being raised if the prospective post would befit his seniority. Otherwise, so far as his accommodation is concerned in the new team it is already being seen as a settled issue. Searching for bonhomie? AFP Advani's case is more complex than that of Joshi's. Advani is currently the working chairman of the NDA and enjoys the same capacity in the BJP parliamentary party (members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha taken together). He is expected to continue in these positions. But there is a little twist to this tale. Despite being the pioneer of the NDA concept, the octogenarian leader was left out of parleys when many new members joined the NDA. Among them are Chandrababu Naidu’s TDP, Ramvilas Paswan’s LJP, Upendra Kushwaha in Bihar, Apna Dal in Uttar Pradesh, DMDK, PMK, MDMK in Tamil Nadu and a host of other smaller parties in different parts of the country. A leader close to Advani made a distinction between position and post for Advani. "A position is given by the party. This is not time bound. It could at any point in time with varied designations and prefixes. He still has an important position in the party," he said. But since the BJP hopes to assume office at the Centre sometime next week it relates to what post he could get. Currently, going by the hypothesis, only two posts are available – one of Lok Sabha Speaker and the other ministerial. The latter is ruled out for the simple reason that the former deputy prime minister can't be expected to take a "subservient position: as a minister to his one-time protege. A source in the know told Firstpost that Advani would be inclined to take up the post of Lok Sabha Speaker, if it is offered to him. "Speaker is a high constitutional post. The authority and responsibility of the Chair is defined by constitutional provisions. The Speaker's role is defined independently of the government and the person has to work hand in hand with the prime minister. Moreover this post has an inbuilt element of respect, which fits with Advani's seniority," he said. This has been conveyed to Modi and party president Rajnath Singh. The issue relating to the fate of party veterans, most prominently, Advani came up for reference at yesterday’s meeting of Modi, Rajnath, Arun Jaitley and Nitin Gadkari but no decision was taken on specifics, sources said. "As far as the roles of veteran leaders are concerned, I will call a party meeting to which they will be invited. After thorough discussions with all big leaders, we will decide what role will be played by which person," Singh had told reporters in Ahmedabad when asked what role Advani would be given if NDA is voted to power. Another senior party leader expressed doubts if the post of Lok Sabha Speaker could be offered to Advani. "After all he is longest serving MP in Parliament and has been in public life for half-a-century. But then his personal chemistry does not gel well with Modi, the foremost requirement between the Speaker and the prime minister. Advani will have no gratitude, no obligation towards the prime minister (Modi) for being in that post and if he decides to go by the book and play a strictly bi-partisan role as the Constitution expects the Speaker to be, there could be moments when the ruling party and the government could be in for embarrassment," the leader said. The not-so-warm relationship between Advani and Modi is nothing new. In June 2013, Advani did not endorse Modi as campaign committee chief in Goa. This was followed by the veteran leader not endorsing Modi's anointment as the BJP prime ministerial candidate. If this was not enough, Advani expressed deep reservations against fighting the Lok Sabha poll from Gandhinagar this time. He wanted to contest from Bhopal, although later he finally agreed to fight from the capital of Gujarat. Given these events, will Modi allow Advani to have a post, which is technically completely independent of him? Another school of Advani supporters had also thought of offering him the post of the chairperson of the National Advisory Council, last held by Sonia Gandhi. But that cannot happen for two reasons. This position was created by an executive order of the UPA government and will thus expire with the expiry of the UPA government. Secondly, the BJP had all along been bitterly critical of the existence of this parallel power centre, outside of the government.
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